8 July 2015

Submachine 1

Welcome to the walkthrough on the first game in an ever-so-wonderful series: Submachine. This game is pretty simple. It's your average click-and-escape flash game created by Mateusz Skutnik in 2005. You can play it here: Submachine 1: The Basement. (Alternate Link. If you notice some Graphical glitches in the first link, use this one.) Keep in mind there are a few versions of this game, and I will be walkthroughing the newest version V5  March 2014. It should say the version number on the menu. Now let's get started!

The first thing you'll see when you click play is a square yellowish room with 2 doors, a ladder, and some strange metal plate in the middle.

You can click on entrances to go in that direction and change rooms. Take your time to explore if you want, and when you're ready, the first thing you'll want to do is go down the ladder. You'll see a picture of a lighthouse on the wall, and you can click it if you want, but it serves no purpose. Go down again, and you'll see a lever, and a note on the floor. Click both of them. You can click objects in your inventory to examine them. Such as the note you just got. (It is recommended to read all the notes and letters you find in the series to get a feeling for the story-line and learn a bit about the game's lore.) The lever you pulled doesn't actually do anything quite yet. When you activate all 4 of them it will open a door later.

Go down yet another ladder to find a metal thing in the top left corner with a combination of symbols on it. Remember it, you'll need it for later. Each time you play the combination is different.

Go right, and you'll see some bells hanging from the ceiling. This is the order you need to click them in from left to right: 4 - 1 - 2. The cubes will rise, and a plate will appear on the stand. Click it and it will open, giving you a new object called "Tile D". Go back up to the room with the picture of a lighthouse, and go left. Remember that combination I told you to remember? Click on the circles below the pistons the match up with combo from earlier. Next go down the ladder, and you'll see an electrical box with a small coin under it, collect it, and click it when it's in your inventory to examine it. You'll see a bird, and 3 symbols to the right of it. Hover over them with your mouse, and a number will appear at the bottom of the screen. Write it down if you have to. Again the numbers are different each time you play. Go back up to the starting room and go left to see a pipe. Wait, that looks like it connects to the pistons we messed around with earlier. Interesting. Go left to see a grandfather clock with a missing pearl, then go up, and pick up the valve behind the pipe, and pull your second lever.

Go back two rooms, to reach the pipe again. Put the newly acquired valve in the opening, and click it to turn it. You'll hear a sound like something breaking, and a crash of water. Time to investigate! Go down to the lighthouse room, then go right, down, right, down to find the pipe that burst. Look in the rubble, and you'll find a small pearl.

Go up again to see the radio that we missed. Click the button on the right, and some music will play and the top drawer will slowly start to open. When it finally does, you'll find a shiny spoon to collect. Neat. Go back to the lighthouse room , then go down twice then left once. Examine the panel connected to the chest on the right through some wires. Now what could the combo be...Oh! How about the numbers we found on the coin? Enter those and you are presented with a click, and a fuse within the chest. Go back to the lighthouse room and then go right, and down. Insert the fuse in the box, and Viola! Powers on!

Go back to the first room, then right twice to see a lever attached to a large electrical device. Pull it, then electricity will spark between the two bulbs. Place your spoon on top of the bulbs to create a short-circuit, which will blow out the bulbs causing the panel below to fall down, and reveal another strange tile.

Go left all the way, until you reach that old grandfather clock. Insert the pearl you got onto the string, and they will move, and play a little jingle, and the hatch will slide open, giving you another tile. Go to the lighthouse room yet again, then go left, and down, and it appears that the electricity blew the panel off this box revealing our 3rd lever. Pull it down, and what was that? Did something open? Let's split up, and search for clues, gang!

Go back to the first room, and go right, and up, to see that yes, indeed a hatch has opened on the ceiling. Crawl inside, and you'll see a floating gem. Pretty ominous. Collect, and you'll see that it's called a "Wisdom Gem". These will become important later on in the series.

Go back down to the lighthouse room then go right, down, right, then up, to see a tile floating in some kind of orb. Collect it, and go back to the first room. I'm sure you've guessed, where the tiles go by now. Insert all of them into the metal panel in the center of the room, in any order, and then it will start spinning, and then a door will appear. Click it. Oh, it's an elevator. Go inside and press the top button, and the elevator will start to rise. When it stops, hit the bottom button ,and the door will open, leading you to your freedom! Congratulations, you have completed the first game in the Submachine series!


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