8 July 2015

Submachine 2

Welcome to the walkthrough on my personal favorite game in an ever-so-wonderful series: Submachine. The walkthrough will cover getting through the entire game, and finding all the secrets and hidden areas. This game is pretty simple. It's your average click-and-escape flash game created by Mateusz Skutnik in 2006. You can play it here: Submachine 2: The Lighthouse (Alternate Link If you notice some graphical glitches in the first link, use this one.) Keep in mind there are 2 versions of this game. The original V1 (2006) and the updated V4.1 (2013) I will be walkthroughing the new V4.1 It should say on the main menu which version you are playing. Now let's get started! When you click play a short intro will play. You can skip it if you want. 

When it's over it will pop you in a red room with an arcade machine called "Submachine" in the center of the room. And on the screen is a picture of the ending scene from the first game. You can click on the machine to zoom in. When zoomed in on the machine, look to the right in between the two rocks, and you'll see a very small red ball. This is called a secret, and there are 20 of them in the game. Click it, and it will add it to your inventory. 

If you look, there is also the first diary page from the first game, as well as the wisdom gem added to your inventory. Go left all the way until you reach a flight of stairs, and go up it. Pick up the cog wheel on the ground, and if you look closely, on top of the chair cushion there will be another secret. Go back down, then go right once, and you'll see a strange contraption. Put the wisdom gem in the stand on the left, and now click the white ball that just appeared on the thing on the right. A sound will play, and if you go right, you'll see that a ladder has appeared. Go right again, and examine the phonograph on the floor. Insert the cog wheel into the slot, (You'll find it) and press the green button. Whoops. Now some eerie music is playing. Go up the ladder and go right. click on the bottom left corner of the strange box, and you should see an etching that reads C=? The number is different for everyone, so right down what it is. You'll need it for later. Go left, then go up the ladder again, and enter the sewers to the left. Keep going left in the sewers until you find the room key on the floor. Pick it up, then exit again. Go up the ladder until you reach a blue room. 

Go left, and if you look on the wall in between the two doors, you'll see a cracked tile. Click it to reveal a third secret. (Look at the picture for help.)

Go left again, and look at the knobs of the camera stand to find another secret. Now go right, then head up the stairs twice, and you'll see a secret in the rubble of the broken wall. 

Go up one more time, and you'll reach the hallway. Go left and you'll see two doors. Go in the one on the left to find a reading room. There's a piece of paper sticking out of some books on the shelf. Click it, and read it if you wish. Then use the room key we got from the sewers on the door on the right, to find a bathroom. Nothing to do here except to pick up the key. 
Leave, and go right three times, and look above at the light fixture on the ceiling to find a secret. 

Go right, and... hey wait a sec, isn't that the same picture of a lighthouse from the first game? This time it actually serves a purpose. Examine it, then click on the arrow pointing to a window, and it'll show a combination of symbols. Write this down too. Then pick up one of the pamphlets on the right of the painting, and read it if you wish. Seems like we're in a place called the "Kent Lighthouse". Go right and pick up the secret in the pile of dirt. Head back down the stairs, and go all the way back to the sewers. Now it's time to use your sewer key. 

Now this is a really big place, and it's very easy to get lost, so I have provided a picture of a map of the entire area. Click on it to expand it. But here is what You need to do. I'm going to abbreviate the directions now. (Right is R, Left is L, Up is U, Down is D) So follow along.

From the very start go L, D, R, and pick up the key. Go L, U, L, L, D, Pick up the secret. Go D, D, R, U, then you'll find a red room. Pick up the Letter to Liz and the secret in the alcove, on the right wall. Then go D, L, D, L, L, L, U, R Now you have to solve this puzzle. The goal is to turn all of the dots blue, and to be honest, there really isn't a good strategy, Just use those big brains of yours and you'll eventually get it. When all the dots are green. Go L, D, R, R, U, and pick up the handle. Go D, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, L, L, D, R, Pick up the positive coil. Go L, U, L, L , Click the secret. Now you can go right all the way until you exit. 

As soon as you exit, go right, and click in the alcove on the wall, and pick up the fork. Look very closely in the top right corner, and in between some bricks you'll find another secret.

Go left and climb the ladder to the blue room, and go up the ladder again, and go into the alcove in the right wall, and put the newly acquired lever in the slot on the wall, pull it, and a sound like something falling, will play. Go back to the room with the camera, and go all the way up the stairs. Go right and go into the the metal room. Pick up the negative coil on the ground, and climb the ladder twice, and use your 2nd floor key on the door. Go into the left door, and click on the typewriter, and collect Diary 2. Now you have the whole thing. It appears that they wanted to bury the lighthouse with "mur" inside of it. But wait, whats that on the bottom of the page? M=??? this number is important later on, Keep it in mind. Go left, and pick up the movie memory on the dresser, then leave, and head into the door on the right. Click on the glowing green thing. Remember those symbols from the picture of the lighthouse? Punch them in, and press the button on top, and the hatch at the bottom of the pedestal will open, giving you a light bulb. Go right and amongst the folded sheets on the end of the bed is another paper. I'm sure you've been wondering what the moving black contraption is on the table. Well click it to reveal 4 whole secrets! There is no strategy to this. At all. Just keep moving your cursor to those little buggers, and eventually, you'll collect them all. Now leave the room, and go out the door, and head up the ladder, to find a lever, with a broken circuit. Let's try using the fork we got to complete the circuit. Pull the lever, and ladder will down from above. 

But first let's head right. Go up the ladder, and see a secret resting on the cord for the light on the wall. Click the contraption, and be presented with yet another puzzle. The goal is to connect all of the rods with the square in the middle, by pressing buttons. You only need to press the 2 buttons on the top left. (Look at the picture.) Just keep holding them down until the 2 rods eventually meet in the center. 

With that completed, lets head over to the area to the left of the ladder. Now you need to enter a 4 digit combo for this. Remember the cat that was mentioned in the diaries? Einstein? What was Albert Einstein famous for? Well figuring out the formula to find energy. E=MC2. Remember the numbers from earlier? We need to plug those into the equation. So whatever number C was on the box at the beginning. you need to times that number by itself. So for example if the box said C=2, you need to multiply 2x2. which is 4. Now you need to multiply THAT number (4) by whatever the number was on the Diary 2 page. For example mine said M=552 So then the 4-digit combo would be 4x552 Which = 2208 Now of course you have to use whatever numbers the game gave YOU not me. When the number is entered correctly, the light above will turn green. 

Now go the area where you placed the fork, and go up twice. If you look closely on each side of the wall, you'll see two openings. Go in the left one to get a secret, and go in the right one to  enter a new room. This is where you need to put in your coils. Red goes in the + socket. And blue goes in the - socket. Both the lights should turn green. 

Leave, and go up the very top of the Kent Lighthouse Where you will see a giant bulb, as well as a note on the wall. It's mur, saying that this is actually a portal, and that it's very unstable. Look in the bottom left corner of the room, and find a secret in the bundle of wires on the floor. Go to the right, and see a dig out key in the dirt. Now go aaaaaaaaaaall the way back down to the yellow hallway, and go all the way to the left. There's a secret on the window sill. Now use your key, and crawl through the tunnel. Go left a few times and pick up the 20th and final secret. Unfortunately you don't get any sort of reward or recognition for finding all the secrets, besides a little message on the menu when you beat the game, but it was still fun! You will find yourself in a little cavern dugout by (probably) mur. Pick up the fuse on the ground, and head back to the camera room. Insert the light bulb and the movie memory into the slots on the camera, and flip the switch. Click at the lens, and you're shown a still picture of a quite cluttered table. Click the ID card on the table, and a hand will pick it up, and shove it through the lens. (What?) Pick it up, and head back to the top of the lighthouse. Go to the left and insert the ID card. Go to the right, and insert the fuse. Then finally pull the lever, and Congratulations! you have completed the second game in the submachine series!


  1. This game is highly addicting, but it's awesome, and thank you for the walkthrough Giggy

  2. Why is this sooooo difficult my guy

  3. i know how to do the dot puzzle in four steps 1. click third on top 2. click second on bottom 3. click second down on left 4. click third down on right.

  4. Can you do anything with the secrets on this level?

  5. i want the code to the green thing now

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Otra vez gracias y gracias. La fórmula de Einstein no la hubiera relacionado con el juego ni en mil años y tampoco vi los dos túneles a los lados de la escalera alta, que lleva al portal.
    Estaba bien "atascada". Gracias Giggy por tomarte tiempo en compartir.

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